Note that the Programmer option in the IDE needs to be set to AVRISP mkil for this to work. Open the Arduino IDE, select the COM port of your cable and open the Serial Monitor. The next step is to monitor the serial output. With the cable attached, the ATtiny is now powered up and running. I use a 6-pin header on my board to make it easy to attach and detach the cable. Next, connect the Serial cable to the breadboard. Thank you so much for the nice work! I tried to compile the program using the command (I changed the value of the MCU to “MCU=attiny13a” in the uart.h file as well): $sudo avr-gcc -Wall -g -Os -mmcu=attiny13a -DF_CPU=1200000 -I. It supports speeds of up to 250Kbps, can be * configured to use a single IO pin and has an option to be interrupt driven. * Software UART * * This feature provides a software implementation of a UART allowing you to * perform serial communications. Attiny13 Software Uart Bascom 4,4/5 7614 reviews